PTS is orchestrated by a small and dedicated team, who enthusiastically coordinates our educational programs, for the purpose of learning the lessons of the physical and spiritual worlds, by studying the teachings of Soul Transcendence. We take pride in the work that we do and enjoy caring for each student individually. We do our best to meet our students where they are on their journey so they receive the greatest value from participating in our programs.
Staff Values: Be Loving, Trust, Togetherness, Clear Communication, Own the Outcome, and Have Fun!
Meet the PTS Team:
Sherie Wylie Markova, DSS, Dean of the Peace Theological Seminary
Joanie Clingan, Ph.D., DSS, Dean of Transcendent Leadership Programs
Gaby Grigorescu, Director of Volunteer Engagement & Event Experience Architect
David Whitaker, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Maria Jose Maranon, Ph.D, DSS, Director of Education
Hugo Alvarado, Director of Online Events & Technology
Aspen Sullivan, DSS, Director of Graduate Studies