Spiritual retreats are fully immersive, mystical experiences, that invite you on an inner adventure, where you can get in touch with your Soul nature, who you truly are.
There's great value when even one of us is directing our energy towards the Soul. There's an even greater value when more than one of us is doing that. If all of us are doing it, it becomes miraculous as a transcendent experience entirely of the nature of the Soul. So we get together in workshops, seminars, retreats and informal gatherings remembering that "Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" [Matthew, 18:20]. - John Morton, D.S.S.
In a sanctuary of your own choosing, you have a rare opportunity to unplug from worldly concerns and let go of whatever is blocking you from enjoying a beautiful life.
During your retreat time, you have an opportunity for self-discovery, inner exploration and connecting to yourself and others in creative and innovative ways. Through meditation, spiritual exercise, silence, sound, journal writing, movement, breathing techniques, group sharing, partner processes, conversation and more, your inner consciousness becomes more awake and engaged.
Our spiritual retreats are available in a variety of formats that allow you to participate in a way that works for you to receive the greatest value. We offer in person, online and hybrid retreats.
Give yourself a couple of hours, a half day, a weekend or a full week in retreat. Get to know the most important person in your life, You.
At some point in time, the consciousness will come into an understanding of this process, will learn to be a responsible creator, and will learn to place its value and its concern on those things that are positive and spiritual in nature rather than on the materiality of this world - John-Roger, DSS