Invitation to Serve at the Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (PTS)
"First ensure that you yourself deserve to be a giver,
and an instrument of giving.
For, in truth, it is life that gives unto life,
while you, who deem yourself a giver,
are but a witness."
— Khalil Gibran
John-Roger has said that being of service is the highest form of consciousness on the planet. At PTS there are ample opportunities for service, play, and fun, with a spiritual family. Volunteer service at PTS is foundational for the work that we share. Volunteers are pivotal to our success. We serve as a team. Some of our volunteers share their gifts to give from the overflow. Others serve as a way to learn a new skill or check out what we are up to at the PTS Mystery School.
I am delighted to introduce you to our global community of loving and gifted volunteers, whose unparalleled dedication continually inspires us. We have a robust community of over 386 active Facilitators, 61 Representatives, and 165 Readers for our Masters and Doctoral programs. These volunteers generously donate their time, skills, and service-consciousness to our mission. In addition to these roles, we have hundreds of assistants who contribute both online and in person at our worldwide events. Together, we make up the beautiful family known as PTS.
Our vision is to enable millions of individuals around the world to discover a deeper level of service-consciousness, peace, and love. Through home seminars, classes, workshops, and spiritual retreats, our community spans the globe, united in our commitment to service and to leaving this world better than we found it.
"Service is nothing but love in work clothes."
— Julian of Norwich
Join our team of Volunteers Today! Select your volunteering path below.