Founder & Spiritual Director
The Mystical Traveler is a spiritual consciousness that exists throughout all levels of God's creation. It resides within each person and is a guide into the higher levels of Spirit, the greater reality of God. The work of the Mystical Traveler through the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is Soul Transcendence, and to do Soul Transcendence, a person needs the assistance of the Mystical Traveler Consciousness. There has always been someone on the planet who holds, or anchors, the energy of the Mystical Traveler here so that all can partake of it. It is almost a mechanical action, and because someone holds the energy, the energy is available to all. John-Roger started anchoring the Traveler Consciousness in December 1963. Since December 1988, the Traveler Consciousness has been anchored by John Morton, who is the current Mystical Traveler.
John-Roger has said that the Mystical Traveler is freedom, expresses freedom, and gives freedom. That is its nature. Its nature is love, joy, and upliftment. It brings health, wealth, and happiness on the physical level, calm to the emotional level, peace to the mental level, ability to the unconscious level, and the fulfillment of all the dreams to the spiritual level. In the higher spiritual realms, it is It of Itself, the supreme God-for that manifests in and through all things.
John-Roger has also said it is important to remember that the Traveler is not something separate from you. It's a consciousness that is within each person on all the levels described above. Each person's inner spiritual journey is an awakening to the Traveler on all the levels, up into the very heart of God. PTS offers students in MSIA a variety of ways to explore and deepen their connection with the Traveler through the many courses offered by the Seminary.