Doctor of Spiritual Science Program (DSS)
DSS Program Overview
Through the Doctor of Spiritual Science Program (DSS) students move to new levels of expansiveness and awareness. The DSS provides a supportive format for expanding spirtual awareness and for the consistent and disciplined practice of the Traveler's Teachings. Experience has shown that this program requires a daily, conscious, continual focus.
The DSS Program is a three-year program, with students meeting one weekend a month for nine months each year. The students are given support materials and assignments to work with and do between the weekend classes that are designed to integrate the tools and keys they learn during the class weekends.
Year One: The Multi-Dimensional Human - Part I
“Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy is offering a three-year course of study to get a Doctorate in Spiritual Science. People are so joyful that this course exists, and many have tears of gratitude because it is something that they’ve always wanted. Now it is being presented where they can learn it, use it, repeat it, live it, teach it, and grow in the process.”
– John-Roger, DSS
In DSS Year One, students experience the foundational tools of Spiritual Science -- Observation, Awareness, Measuring and Recording -- and apply these in their daily lives. An Individual Awareness Matrix (IAM) of the consciousness is created for greater understanding of the Soul’s journey.
A Light Body practice is built, month-to-month, to increase the expression and flow of Light in the physical body. Controlled Kinesiology Testing (CKT) is introduced, including a Toolbox of resources for clearing blocks to knowing ourselves as one with God.
Soul awareness is deepened and expanded as students listen to the Soul’s guidance and the spiritual assistance available to them as ministers and initiates of the Traveler.
Year Two: The Multi-Dimensional Human - Part II
“What’s the main reason for the DSS class? It could be answered two ways: the negative way is, what stops you from seeing God? The other way is, what helps you get to God? If you find out what’s stopping you, that doesn’t mean you cracked it, but you are getting to God, that means you’re already on course-correction, and you are just on a timeline of fulfillment. And each person may have a slightly different variation.”
- John-Roger, DSS
In DSS Year Two, students continue to explore their Soul’s unique expression. An Individual Study is designed by each student to support their transformation.
Walking and moving Light Body practices enhance the experience of living in our Light bodies day-to-day. CKT techniques are introduced to clear any issues of contraction, limitation, or lack of expansion. Enhancing and increasing spiritual seeing is a focus each month.
Students have the opportunity to test the Teachings, to check things out, to observe what works and what doesn’t work, and to choose to use that which does work to manifest the intentions of the spiritual heart.
Year Three: The Multi-Dimensional Human - Part III
“What it comes down to, always and forever, is the commitment to yourself. And that starts when, ten billion times a day, ten billion percent, you commit to the upliftment and the unfoldment that is your spiritual nature.”
-John-Roger, DSS
In DSS Year Three, students build upon the solid foundation in Spiritual Science they developed in years one and two. Students devote the third year to refining, demonstrating, applying, and living their Individual Study of Soul Transcendence.
Through Applied Ministerial Services (AMS), students have the opportunity to let go of what is no longer serving their highest good and expand into an even greater awareness of themselves as Souls and one with God.
Students explore key stories from their lives from the perspective of their Soul’s unique journey. Light Body practice is deepened through improvisation.
Year 3 engages students with all of the essential elements required to write a Practical Treatise towards graduating with the Doctoral degree.
Graduation Requirement: Successful completion of years one, two and three, and all the program requirements, including the completion and approval of the Practical Treatise, qualify the student to receive a PTS Doctor of Spiritual Science Degree. Each Practical Treatise is unique and original to the student. The paper documents the student's individual and repeatability study processes, observations, discoveries, and conclusions.
Year Four: Advanced Ministerial Studies - Part I
Healing is the alternative action to curing and can take place with anyone at any time by loving yourself enough to get your priorities lined up and finding out which way you’re going. And then - stick to that. As you do, the energy of who you are, that spiritual being, will come flooding through you. You’ll touch other people and that energy can move uninhibited to others and they can feel it. - John-Roger, DSS
DSS Year Four is first and foremost a course in Advanced Ministerial Studies for doctoral students. The MSIA Ministerial Handbook is the guidebook for the course. Students choose an area of self-healing as a ministerial focus, taking care of themselves so they can help take care of others.
Students also minister to each other using Prayer Communion, the Power of Prayer, and Advanced Ministerial Services (AMS). Students create a ministerial intervention based upon a method from their Individual Study.
Exercises to enhance spiritual knowing and intuition are practiced each month, deepening the connection with the ministerial energies and gaining greater proficiency with calling them forward..
Prerequisites: DSS graduate or successful completion of the PTS DSS Program Year Three, active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings, active MSIA initiate and MSIA minister in good standing, regular tither to MSIA, throughout the DSS Program, up to and including Graduation, and official acceptance by PTS administration.
Year Five: Advanced Ministerial Studies - Part II
You may come together with another human being and say, "We can walk together and share what we can share." There may be special loves with whom you want to share on more levels in order to move into a greater union of oneness and greater spiritual love. You may become a "dynamo" as you allow the greater energy of Spirit to be transmitted down through your consciousness and out into the rest of the world to all other levels.
- John-Roger, DSS
In DSS Year Five, students enjoy an ongoing experience of Satsang, which John-Roger described as the “Communion of Souls.” The DSS-5 experience is blissful, gentle, and elevated. It is an immersion in the Traveler's teachings with fellow initiates and ministers, all advanced DSS students devoted and dedicated to Soul Transcendence.
Year 5 focuses on expanding into greater freedom as students practice living love and travel this path as votaries of the Mystical Traveler. Many students describe the DSS-5 experience as "coming home" with friends who are going in the same direction, onward and upward.
Students partake in a ministerial project of their choice and design which calls to their heart, an expression of their unique ministry.
Prerequisites: DSS graduate or successful completion of the PTS DSS Program Year Four, active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings, active MSIA initiate and MSIA minister in good standing, regular tither to MSIA, throughout the DSS Program, up. to and including Graduation, and official acceptance by PTS administration.
Year Six: Practicing Sacred, Steppingstones to Soul Transcendence
Practicing Sacred, Steppingstones to Soul Transcendence is a new class and will be offered, beginning in the fall of 2023. It is a natural development from the Years 1-5 classes and reflects the spiritual growth of our students and honors their successes. Some new curriculums will include: a greater variety of J-R’s seminars and how to practice the wisdom he offers; expansion in how we practice Light Body, spiritual exercises, aligning the selves, ministerial services, and other “old favorites”. We will be exploring the practice of creativity, joy, and discovering how delightful (fun!) it is to serve the God within. We will explore how we can be free enough to custom-build our own spiritual practices… how to build a “home” in our own hearts where we can be ridiculously happy & dwell in acceptance, unconditional loving, laughter, devotion, dedication, and see our clear pathway home to God. And there may be more more surprises as we journey on.
Prerequisites: Active subscription to Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SAT) | Active MSIA Minister and Initiate | Successful completion of DSS Year Five | Be a regular tither to MSIA.
Our 9 month Graduate Programs run from September - June. If you have questions about our next offerings or to be put in a contact list to receive information about next year's offerings click on the "Contact Us" Button.