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Master of Spiritual Science - The Harmonic Self

Our whole being is music; our mind and our body, the nature in which we live, the nature which has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music. We are close to all this music, and live and move and have our being in music. The true use of music is to become musical in one's thoughts, words, and actions.
Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi Master

Everything vibrates with energy, and we are vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe that pulses with rhythm and harmony. This perspective is not only embraced by ancient spiritual traditions but also supported by modern science. As vibrational beings, our essential nature is sound, originating from the Source of Love, and its purest expression is music.

Everything in existence is made up of energy that vibrates at various frequencies. Quantum physics has revealed that matter, at its core, is composed of vibrating particles. Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman said, "Everything is made of tiny packets of energy that are always vibrating."

The Hindu concept of "Nada Brahma" says that God is sound, and the Bible states that "In the beginning was the Word." The vibrations that constitute matter and energy manifest as sound waves, making sound an intrinsic part of existence.

From a biological perspective, human beings are profoundly affected by sound. The cells in our bodies resonate at specific frequencies, and sound waves can influence our physical emotional and mental states, and can attune us to our spiritual nature,

At the heart of this vibrational reality lies Love, the fundamental force that sustains and nurtures all creation. Love, in its highest form, is the source from which all vibrations emanate. This is captured in the words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who said, "The day will come when, after harnessing the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16 (NIV)

Love's vibrational frequency is believed to be one of the highest, capable of transforming and harmonizing lower frequencies. This transformative power of love is reflected in various spiritual traditions that regard love as the ultimate reality and the driving force behind the universe. 

Music, the organized expression of sound, serves as the purest articulation of this vibrational essence. It transcends language, culture, and time, touching the deepest parts of us. Les Miserables author, Victor Hugo, wrote, "Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." 

Music's ability to evoke emotions, memories, and a sense of connection speaks to its profound resonance with our vibrational nature. It acts as a bridge between the physical and the spiritual, the temporal and the eternal. Through music, the vibrational energy of love finds its most harmonious and expressive form. 

Much love, 
Paul Kaye, DSS


Program Overview

Thank you for your interest in the Master of Spiritual Science - The Harmonic Self.The three-year course begins on the weekend of January 4 and 5, 2025. Each year, there are 10-weekend classes, with a summer break in July and August. You can take the class with the purpose of graduating with a Master's Degree in Spiritual Science (MSS-HS), or it can be taken as a certificate of completion program (COC) in which there is no homework or assignments outside of class time. There are no education requirements for the Certificate Program, and it is open to the public. For the Master's degree, you will need to have a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree or higher.

Class Dates:
Month 1: January 4-5, 2025
Month 2: February 1-2, 2025
Month 3: March 1-2, 2025
Month 4: April 5-6, 2025
Month 5: May 3-4, 2025
Month 6: June 7-8, 2025
Month 7: September 6-7, 2025
Month 8: October 4-5, 2025
Month 9: November 1-2, 2025
Month 10: December 6-7, 2025

$325 / month for first-time Harmonic Self students.

$200 / month for Harmonic Self audits.
$100 / month for students currently taking MSS, DSS, MSS-TL, DSS-TL or Spanish speakers.

Curriculum at a Glance

Year One: I'll Be the Flute, You Be the Wind
Year Two: Multidimensional Resonance
Year Three: Enduring to the End

Module One - Harmonic Patterning
Building yourHarmonicResonant Field - Harmonizing with the unconscious

Module Two - Tuning the Fascia
Listening to the innate intelligence of the body - Micro movements for restoration, healing, and health

Module Three - The Power of the Word
The sacred meaning of language - Christ's teachings in Aramaic

Module Four - Singing as a Spiritual Practice
The mysticism of sound and music through Sufi philosophy - Attunement and resonance through the Indian classical music solfege (sargam)

Module Five - Sound, Vibration and the Cosmos
Rhythm, harmony, and melody in music in our lives - The vibrations of the Five Elements and their effect on consciousness - The Quantum Self (quantum consciousness)

Module Six - Attuning to the Sound Current of God
The ancient and sacred practice of the Sound Current through spiritual exercises

Module Seven - Sound Journey
Sound Baths using multiple instruments - Listening to various genres of sound and music across continents and through the ages

Module Eight - The Healing Power of Sound
Healing versus curing - Toning - How to use and work with tuning forks

Module Nine - The World's Most Powerful Instrument: The Voice
Refining the breath - Healing ourselves through the voice

Module Ten - Energizing the Subtle Body
Simple movements of Qigong and Yoga in the Kashmir Tradition to harmonize mind and body

To apply click here
Note: if you have a PTS.org account, please log in to your existing account when you apply.

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