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Jesus said, "Nobody knows where the wind comes or where it blows, or what it's going to do." And that wind is the wind that blows from Heaven. We call it the Divine Message. It's also called the Breath of Life. And we also call it the Celestial Melodies. The Sound of God. When you get attached into that, you lift above this plane of cause and effect, and you find out what you've been causing and what the effect is on yourself and on other people. And you start the process of change.
John-Roger, DSS

Welcome to the Master of Spiritual Science - The Harmonic Self Year 1 – I’ll be the Flute, You be the Wind.

The Harmonic Self Masters Course is an opportunity to attune ourselves to the frequencies of love and harmony. As we align with this vibrational reality, we find ourselves more connected, compassionate, and creative, resonating with the symphony of All That Is. The Harmonic Self is one who is multidimensionally resonant, and whose being is an instrument of Spirit through which the Wind from Heaven plays its Song of Love.

The class curriculum includes but is not limited to, the harmonics of language - the Aramaic language spoken by Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes. The harmonics of movement. We will also discover the harmonics of our Heart Note. The harmonics of our natural resonant voice. And the harmonics of our song - not the song we sing but the song that sings us, the song that sung us into being - the Song of Songs.

No music training is assumed and we approach sound and music from a feeling/sensing level rather than having a technical or academic approach. We will explore the many facets of listening. We will delve into the basics of Indian classical music, jazz, Western classical music, and other musical genres. We will be building a harmonic field, and through cooperating with the harmonic patterns of the unconscious we will clear and balance old patterns, allowing for greater healing and well-being, and dancing into Union, into Oneness, into Communion, with the Beloved.

What benefits will you gain from the Master of Spiritual Science - The Harmonic Self Program?

  1. Be and feel more in tune and in harmony with yourself - mind, body, heart, and Soul.
  2. Release and unobstruct energetic restrictions
  3. Let go of judgements and negative beliefs that hold you back
  4. Learn to listen attentively to the inner sound and to your natural inner healing and guidance system
  5. Experience more mobility and gracefulness in your physical and subtle body
  6. Discover the sacredness of the breath and how it can assist you make healthy choices in your life
  7. Learn to enter divine communion as a daily practice
  8. Learn to use your voice as a sacred instrument of healing and personal growth
  9. Have calm as a superpower and resonance through your Harmonic Field

If you want to learn more about the Masters of Spiritual Science - The Harmonic Self 3-year Program, as well as reading a welcome letter from PTS President and MSS-HS Facilitator, Paul Kaye, DSS please click here.

$325 / month for first time Harmonic Self students.

$200 / month for Harmonic Self audits.

An active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses or SATs (if you already completed twelve years of Discourses) is required to participate in the MSS-HS.  

If you are not on Discourses, your first-year subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses is included in your tuition.
To subscribe to Discourses or SATs or to renew your subscription, please contact the MSIA Products Team at 323-737-4055 or

To apply please log in to your student portal on the top menu by clicking on "Login". Once you are logged in, Click "Graduate Programs Application" on the left hand side menu and select "MSS Year 1 Harmonic Self"
If you have never logged in to and need your Log in details

click here.