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Become a PTS Rep!

The PTS Rep’s role is to hold the focus of PTS for the community. The PTS Rep is part of a team of Reps (MSIA, PTS, Seminar Leader, and Ministerial Board). This team works together to support their MSIA community in living the Traveler’s teachings and reaching out to those who are looking for the Traveler’s teachings. Many who are called to be a PTS Rep find this service role a joyful expression of their ministry.

Please know that as the PTS Rep you will have the support of the PTS team in Los Angeles. The staff at PTS considers our Rep Family as “honorary staff”. It is a blessing to serve and collaborate with you.

An area rep is usually an approved PTS facilitator with skills in organizing people and events and the ability to train facilitators in class procedures and skills. Sometimes PTS Area Reps are not PTS class facilitators, and in that case, other experienced facilitators in the area could train new facilitators.

In many cases, there are two area representatives for PTS in one area. This represents a great opportunity to work in tandem with another enthusiastic individual who’s placed their energy and focus with PTS. Sharing the work and joy of creating PTS events is definitely a plus. The work gets done in less than half the time, a miracle of Spirit no doubt. And remember how many times J-R has reminded us that where two or more are gathered, the Christ is present. If you don’t have a co-rep in your area and are interested in inviting someone to work with you, please call PTS and talk with the staff person coordinating area representatives.